About Me

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


it sucks that shes far away. i can only see her in pictures and talked to her on txt messages and once in a while we'll call each other. it sucks that i cant hang out and be together like a "normal" couple because we have a long distance relationship. i said i never would do a long distance relationship because i honestly never thought anyone would be worth it..but she is more then worth it. being like 400 miles away she sent me a box of cookies. nobody has ever baked anything for me and specially didn't send them to my house. i remember walking to my front door and i seen a box and i thought is that a box? and first i thought it'd b for my brother because he always orders things online or maybe my moms. i hardly ever get mail so it was surprising to see that the box was for me from her. and inside was cookies =] my fav chocolate chip! I'm usually never caught by surprises but she surprised the hell outta me that time =] and i couldn't help but smile while i was opening the box =]

Thursday, July 24, 2008


*muah* im glad ur reading this!
*muah* i really REALLY miss u! =]
*hug* i got so many plans for us
*hug* i need u here now!


sorry if my blogs arent as exciting as yours lol
im boring what can i say lol